Andersonville Elementary Parent Teacher Organization - Bylaws Article I Name The name shall be the Andersonville Elementary Parent Teacher Organization, Davisburg, Michigan. Article II Articles of Organization This organization is incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the State of Michigan, under Act 162, public acts of 1982, and is subject to the State of Michigan laws governing nonprofit organizations. Article III Mission Statement Our mission is to work as advocates for children. To provide opportunities and experiences that promote the development of each child's mind, heart and spirit. Article IV Purpose The policies that will govern the Andersonville Elementary PTO shall include the following: A. The organization shall work to support a positive community school attitude. B. The organization shall work to promote parent and teacher cooperation in the education of the children. C. The organization shall work to encourage parental involvement at Andersonville Elementary. D. The organization shall work to support fundraising activities which will benefit Andersonville Elementary and its students. Article V Basic Policies A. This organization shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. B. The name of this organization, or the names of any members in their official capacities, shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the organization. C. The organization shall work with the Clarkston Community Schools to provide quality education for all children and youth and shall seek to participate in the decision making process in establishing school policy when appropriate, recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated by the people to the Board of Education. D. This organization shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene in any way (including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. E. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, directors, trustee, officers or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered. F. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (i) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code. Article VI Membership A. Any individual with children attending Andersonville Elementary or its staff members who subscribe to the Mission Statement and Basic Policies of this organization may become a member of this organization, subject only to compliance with the provisions of the Bylaws. Any member who subscribes to the Mission Statement and Basic Policies of this organization shall have the power to vote, or make motions when present at General Membership meetings. B. Any member who subscribes to the Mission Statement and Basic Policies of this organization shall have the power to vote, or make motions, when present at General membership meetings. C. The PTO will not charge annual dues and is not required to document enrolment. D. Membership in this organization shall be available without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, or ancestry, age, gender, marital status, disability, height, weight, and/or any other legally protected characteristic. Article VII Officers and their Election Section 1 - Elected Officers A. The elected officers of this organization shall be president, vice president -fundraising, vice President(s) - volunteers, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and treasurer. These Officers will be elected by the general membership. One or two teacher representatives are to be elected by the faculty. B. All officers shall be members in good standing of the Andersonville Elementary PTO. C. Officers shall be elected annually in the month of April unless otherwise directed by the organization or the executive board. D. Newly elected officers shall assume their official duties as officers of this organization at the close of the PTO year, and shall serve a term of one (1) year until their successors take office. Their term of office shall run from July 1 through June 30. E. A person shall not be eligible to serve more than three consecutive terms in the same office. F. All Officers and committee chairpersons may be subject to background checks with prior notification. G. Any elected officer who is under investigation or under indictment for financial impropriety related to their position on the PTO Executive Board or related to their position with another non-profit organization shall be immediately suspended from their board position duties and responsibilities until any and all investigations have been completed and the board member has been cleared of any improprieties. Further, any person who has been convicted in a court of law for embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, fraud, etc. shall be deemed unqualified to hold a board position unless at least 10 years have passed since conviction. Section 2 - Nominating Committee A. The nominating committee shall consist of at least six (6) members, either president or one of the vice presidents, the one (1) or two (2) teacher representative(s), two (2) members from general membership, and the principal of Andersonville Elementary. B. The nominating committee will follow standing and special committee guidelines as stated in article XI of these bylaws. C. The nominating committee will actively seek nominations for all offices. D. Nominations shall be actively sought beginning in March and until all positions have at least one nominee. E. The committee will contact nominees and ask them to accept or reject the nomination. Those individuals that chose to accept the nomination for office will have their name placed on the ballot in the appropriate office. F. Any positions left open after April elections will be filled by appointment with a majority vote of the existing board, the newly elected board and nominating committee. This appointment must be approved by the general membership at the next scheduled meeting. Consent of the person being considered must be acquired prior to appointment. Section 3 - Election Process A. Absentee ballots shall be available in the office upon request no sooner than one week prior to the election at the may General Membership Meeting and shall be due back in to the school no later than 9:00 A.M on the day of the election at the May General Membership meeting. Absentee ballots must be returned in an envelope with the voter’s name on the front to ensure only one (1) vote per person. B. All PTO Members, including parents, legal guardians, and Andersonville Elementary teachers and staff are eligible to vote. Each and every PTO Member gets one vote. C. If there is more than one candidate per position; a ballot system will be used at the election at the May General Membership meeting. Votes will be counted by the Vice-President, as well as one (1) teacher, and one (1) other impartial person (i.e. someone who is not running for office). D. The election will take place at the beginning of the May General membership Meeting and the results will be announced by the end of said meeting. E. All candidates will be introduced at the election at the May General Membership meeting and the Organization will be asked if there are any nominations from the floor by the current President. F. All candidates will be given the opportunity to give a speech at the election at the May General Membership meeting in case of nominations from the floor. G. The newly elected Board shall take office on July 1st and the outgoing Board will be effective until that time. Section 4- Board Vacancies A. A vacancy occurring in any office other than that of the president shall be filled by a person elected by a majority of the remaining members of the executive board for the unexpired term, provided notice of the vacancy has been given to the general membership, and the consent of the person being considered has been acquired B. A vacancy occurring in the office of the president shall be filled by the vice president-fundraising or the vice president-volunteers for the unexpired term. In the event that a vacancy of all three of these offices should occur, the recording secretary shall call a special meeting of the general membership or shall otherwise contact the general membership for the purpose of electing officers to fill the unexpired terms. In the event that the duties of the president are assumed by any of the vice presidents in succession the office of the vice president shall be filled by appointment of the executive board. If two such offices are vacated, both shall be filled by appointment of the executive board. C. Two (2) consecutive missed meetings of an elected member will result in the review by the executive board to determine if the individual can fulfill their duties of office. Article VIII Executive Board A. The executive board of this organization shall consist of the elected officers of this organization, the one or two teacher representative(s), and the principal of the school (ex-officio). B. The members of the executive board shall serve as such from July 1 to June 30. C. The duties of the executive board of this organization will include: 1. To transact the routine and necessary matters of business for the organization. 2. To prepare a proposed calendar of events for this organization. 3. To prepare and submit for organizational approval by mid September a proposed budget for the fiscal year. All interested general members may participate in the formation of the budget. 4. To create standing and special committees as required to conduct these matters of business, and to promote the objectives of this organization as set forth in these Bylaws. 5. To approve routine bills outside the limits of the budget including unforeseen expenditures that do not exceed a total $250.00 that, due to time constraints, could not wait until the next general membership meeting. The Executive Board may vote via e-mail to approve the expenditures in keeping with the above guidelines. A majority vote shall carry a motion. The Recording Secretary shall keep a printed record of each officer’s vote. 6. The treasurer's accounts shall be reviewed annually in June by a CPA or a review committee that consists of at least three (3) general members, who, satisfied that the treasurer's annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report. The CPA or review committee shall be appointed by the executive board. A CPA shall review the books and records at least once every three years. The CPA shall be chosen by the Executive Board. 7. A CPA shall prepare and file all state and federal tax returns as specified in the Articles of Incorporation, the Internal Revenue code and the State of Michigan. 8. To obtain a fidelity bond for the treasurer and all authorized signers on the account. 9. All past executive board members are encouraged to serve as advisors to the incoming board. D .Meetings of the executive board of this organization shall be held a minimum of five (5) stated times each year at a time and place to be established at the first executive board meeting each year. E. Meetings shall be held with a majority of the executive board constituting a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the executive board. Majority vote will carry a motion. F. Special meetings of the executive board may be called by the president, or a majority of the board, given a minimum of three (3) days notice. G. The executive board will be trained in the proper procedures of Robert's Rules of Order. ARTICLE IX Duties of Members of the Executive Board A. The duties of the president shall be: 1. To preside at all meetings of the general membership and executive board of the organization. 2. To coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the mission may be promoted. The president does not chair any committees. If a position remains vacant, it is the president's option to assume it. 3. To recommend a nominee to the executive board for any vacancy in either office or standing committee. 4. To have discretionary power to authorize expenditures of up to $50.00 per calendar month without the specific permission by vote of the executive board or the organization. 5. To discuss with the principal the activities of this organization. 6. To review and sign off on all monthly bank statements and release them to the Treasurer. B. The duties of the vice president-fundraising shall be: 1. To serve as an aide to the president. 2. To preside and assume the duties of the president in the event of absence. 3. To research and present for board approval all fundraising efforts of this organization. 4. To coordinate all fundraising events. C. The duties of the vice president(s)-volunteers shall be: 1. To serve as an aide to the president. 2. To preside and assume the duties of the president in the event of the absence of the president and vice president-fundraising 3. To solicit parent volunteers to assist in school related events and support committee chairpersons as needed. 4. This position may be held by two (2) Volunteers to share in all the responsibilities above. There will be one contact to the parents and volunteers either the full year or at a minimum from September to December and January to June. D .The duties of the recording secretary shall be: 1. To record and file minutes of all general and special meetings of this organization and its executive board. 2. To post a copy of the minutes of all general and special meetings of this organization and its executive board for public review and have minutes available at meetings. 3. To maintain permanent copies of Bylaws, Certificate of Incorporation, minutes, membership roll, and other significant documents. 4. To serve as temporary chairperson of this organization for the purpose of conducting a special election in accordance with Article VII, section 3-B, if such is required. 5. To keep a printed record of all votes that are held electronically. E. The duties of the corresponding secretary shall be: 1. To inform the general membership of PTO activities which include but are not limited to general membership meetings, school assemblies, speakers, fundraising, and special school events. 2. To provide PTO information and advertise upcoming PTO activities on the PTO bulletin board. 3. To support Andersonville Elementary PTO within the community. 4. To prepare and submit the Voice of the PTO Eagle newsletter. 5. To submit a copy of all correspondence to the Andersonville Elementary office. 6. To obtain a list of new students enrolled at Andersonville Elementary and send a welcome letter to each new family. F. The duties of the treasurer shall be: 1. To serve as custodian of all monies of this organization and deposit monies in a depository approved by the executive board within seventy-two (72) hours of collection, exclusive of weekends. 2. To assume responsibility for the collection of all monies owed this organization and the distribution of these monies. 3. To keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures of the organization. 4. To make disbursements in accordance with the approved budget, as authorized by the organization, the executive board, or the president in accordance with these bylaws. All checks shall be countersigned. 5. To register the signatures of the treasurer, one (1) teacher representative, and the recording secretary for all bank accounts 6. To present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and when requested by the executive board. 7. To prepare a yearly report to be submitted for the September meeting. 8. To submit all books and accounts for review in accordance with Article VIII, item C-6. 9. To maintain good accounting checks and balance system. Including but not limited to the following; All checks must be signed by treasurer and one other authorized signer as defined in Article IX F.5, Secondary signer must see all invoices attached to checks to verify amounts prior to signing. Bank statement should have scanned copies of checks in each statement. Treasurer provides statement and reconciliation reports within 10 days of statement closing date to President for review. G. The duties of the teacher representative(s) shall be: 1. To serve as an aide to the president. 2. To coordinate and communicate any organization activities which may require the assistance of the Andersonville Elementary staff. 3. To serve as chairperson or co-chairpersons of the nominating committee. 4. To be an authorized signer for the PTO bank account. H. The duties of the principal shall be: 1. To assure that the activities and policies of this organization are consistent with the standards, policies, and procedures of the Clarkston Community schools. 2. To assist in the coordination of the PTO activities with the Andersonville Elementary school calendar and curriculum goals. 3. To have the final say in how a grievance shall be resolved in accordance with Article XIII of these bylaws. 4. To share any relevant information at scheduled meetings. Article X General Membership Meetings A. Regular meetings of the general membership of this organization shall be held at least once during each marking period of the school year. B. Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the executive board, provided five (5) school days notice of such meeting has been given. C. In the event there are unforeseen expenditures exceeding $250.00 that, due to time constraints could not wait until the next general membership meeting, a paper ballot with the motion and second will be sent to the general membership to vote on. The result will be determined by a majority of the returned ballots. This vote may also take place electronically via email, text or other electronic means. The Recording Secretary will keep a printed record of each vote that takes place electronically. D. The meetings of the organization will proceed as follows: motion, second, discussion, vote. Majority of attending members will carry the vote. Majority of attending members will carry the vote. At least 5 Executive Board members must be voting. E. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in any general, annual or special meeting of this organization. Article XI Standing and Special Committees A. The executive board may create such standing or special committees as it may deem necessary to promote the objectives and carry on the work of this organization as set forth in these Bylaws. 1. Standing committees are set up as needed for the operation of the organization, at the discretion of the executive board. 2. Standing committees shall be created for the duration of the membership year. 3. Special committees may be formed by the executive board for a specific purpose and will address special needs as they arise. The committee is dismissed when the task is completed and the final report has been approved. B. The chairpersons of all standing and special committees shall present plans of work to the executive board and no committee work shall be undertaken without the approval of the executive board. Chairpersons shall attend general membership meetings. Any committee requiring funds will need to follow the committee financial guidelines, obtained from the treasurer. C. Committees will select their own chairperson, in the event that they are unable to decide, the executive board will appoint one. Article XII Fiscal Year The fiscal year of this organization shall be from September 1 through August 31. Article XIII Grievance In the event of any personal conflict, grievance or issue regarding a PTO matter or motion, the following procedure shall be followed: A. The grievance will be written and sent to the PTO president. The president has five days in which to respond in writing to the party or parties who filed the grievance, stating the reasons why certain actions were taken. The president will also notify the principal when a grievance is received. B. If the grievance is in regards to the president, then the party or parties involved will submit the grievance to the remaining PTO executive board, who will in turn follow the same steps as above. C. If the conflict or grievance is still not resolved, the principal will have five (5) days to respond. The principal will have the final say in how a grievance shall be resolved. Article XIV Dissolution A. Written notice of intent will be given thirty (30) days in advance of the voting deadline. Dissolution shall be by paper ballot and the results will be determined by two thirds (2/3) majority of the returned ballots. B. If at any time this organization should dissolve, any and all monies in any existing account and/or the possession of any member shall be turned over to the administration of Andersonville Elementary. If the organization fails to reactivate within 2 years, the monies will then be used for a student project. Article XV Parliamentary Authority Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the organization in all cases which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these Bylaws. Article XVI Amendments A. These bylaws shall be reviewed by a special committee made up of at least three (3) members, at least every three (3) years. B. Written notice by paper or electronic means of the proposed amendments and ballots shall be distributed to general membership two (2) weeks in advance of the voting deadline. These bylaws shall be amended by paper or electronic ballot and the results will be determined by the majority of the returned ballots. Revised May 2014 |
2023/2024 BUDGET
Checking: $49,708.20
Savings: $2,240.18
Venmo: $0
PayPal: $0
Harvest Festival $3,500 $4,480.65
Mel's Grill $2,000 $1,683.68
Eagle Run $10,000 $15,639.86
Fountains Comedy Show $ -
Movie Night $ -
Qdoba Night $ - $264.72
Rolladium $ - $171
Snowball $2,500 $675
Variety Show $850
Holiday Ornaments $900.00 $1,464.46
Spirit Wear $250.00
Kroger Plus Cards $1,500 $993.89
PJ/Hat Days $500
Interest Income $1
ENRICHMENT $24,700 $400
Classroom Funds $4,000 $610.28
Enrichment Programs $2,200 $
Family Breakfast $500 $549.87
Field Day $1,000
Field Trips & Assemblies $10,000 $2,222.70
Leader In Me Program $250 $158.42
March Is Reading Month $1,500
M-STEP Testing Snacks $250
Mini Grants $4,000
Rock Wall Dedicated Funds $ -
Surplus Funding $6,000 $5,924.38
Track Maintenance $1,000
Transport Carts - Lunch $ -
Accounting Software $129
Bank Monthly Maintenance Fee $40
CPA Professional Fees $400
Grounds Beautification $500
Hospitality $800
Insurance $500
Miscellaneous $500
Paper Products $100
Pavillion Expense $500
PTO General Meetings $100
Taxes $100
5th Grade Graduation $1,500
Staff Appreciation $2,000
Student Awards $250
Teacher Lunch:Conferences $500
Volunteer Appreciation. $500